Am I Good Enough?

Muskan Khurana
3 min readJul 13, 2021


Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash

Let’s start by having a quick poll, how many of you want to do something new but the thought of establishing yourself from the scratch sucks every motivation out of you?

I want to be an entrepreneur.”

“I need to change my ways because he admires her more”

“I need to write on medium and become a freelance writer.”

“I need to workout daily so that I match someone else’s standards”

Are you someone who plans on doing so many things but ends up doing nothing just because you assume you are not ready enough, you need to do the preliminary work?

Do you undergo “I am not good enough factor” before approaching someone for friendship or any kind of relationship?

Do you end up losing your time waiting for the right opportunity and right skill set before you can see something planned happening?

I guess I have asked you many questions. I would begin with myself, before writing this article, I went through so many videos, so many websites, a decent number of articles on Medium, planned on multiple ways of how I will market my content, how I will target my desired audience but every day I kept delaying the idea of publishing my first article because I thought I needed to work more, it won’t be as simple as it looks.

This was constant resistance coming from inside of me that always made me reconsider my decision but I believe it is always about taking the first step with courage, nobody gets everything the first time they do it, it takes years for people to build a stable career, everyone is not privileged to have things right in their plate. There is someone out there who is struggling to earn two slices of bread a day and someone who has a plate occupied with a variety of food. That is the law, right?

Here is the introduction to the three principles that I have been trying to adopt for the past two weeks and it takes a few months to change your mindset towards yourself, every time you face a limiting belief, every time you face a breakdown, just tell yourself–It is my life, I claim every single part of it; I seek to find happiness in everything I do; I have the reigns in my hand, I can make things happen that I have planned for myself. Here are those three main tiers :

1) Let the fear of failure fail you

2) Perfectionism is subjective

3) Celebrate every baby-step you take

Contextualizing them for yourself and your needs will do all the magic, I am not even going to elaborate on them because that is what I have carved out of my self-analysis, now it is your turn to sit back and understand what stops you every-time and if you despise yourself for initiating it late, always remember “it is better late than never”. Let us have this small exercise that helps you build self-esteem and removes self-doubts from your mind. Here is the list of questions. Answer them for yourself to understand your decision-making process;

1) When was the last time, the fear of judgment stopped you from doing your favorite things? (If it is just two minutes ago, you need to buckle up, because you have a long way to go)

2) What does success mean to you, the result or the journey? (If the result matters, you are always prone to waiting for the right time and I believe no time is right; you sculpt it the way you like.)

3) Are your decisions dependent on what others perceive of you or what makes you happy? (If it is always “what others think about you”, you will never consider yourself good enough because takers’ wants never end, so you better understand the thin line difference between selfishness and prioritizing yourself when it is right.)

Got your answers? Let’s work towards building an empire then.All the best



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